Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy

Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy

Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy
At the base there are three paw-shaped legs. An object with a historical artisanal value, with an ambitious touch of antique charm that can find a place in an ancient residence, or embellish a classic furniture, for example near a large fireplace or in a living room with a classic or modern setting. It can also be used as a container for incense and aromatic essences or as a lamp, inserting one or more scented candles inside, creating a very particular light effect, thanks to the fretwork and decorations present. Or, if you prefer, it can be used as a liquor bottles container next to a pair of armchairs or a coffee table. The brazier is in excellent condition for its age. There are slight and inevitable signs of use, but nothing serious.

The copper basin/plate instead has a small crack and a small hole which, if desired, can be easily repaired/fixed (please, check all photos). Vendo antico e grande braciere in ottone composto da catino/piatto in rame porta brace e coperchio con campana con statuina in fusione d'ottone raffigurante un bellissimo cigno.

Alla base sono presenti tre piedi a forma di zampa. Questa tipologia di braciere veniva utilizzato per riscaldare anticamente i vari ambienti delle case. Un oggetto dal valore storico artigianale, con un tocco ambizioso di fascino antiquariale che può trovare collocazione in una dimora antica, oppure impreziosire un arredamento classico, presenziare la bocca di un grande camino o in un salone con ambientazione classica o di design. Il braciere nasce come porta brace per riscaldare l'ambiente, ma può essere utilizzato anche come contenitore per incenso ed essenze aromatiche o per i più creativi come lampada, inserendo una o più candele profumate all'interno, creando un effetto di luce molto particolare, grazie al traforo e alle decorazioni presenti. Oppure può essere usato come contenitore di liquori vicino a un paio di poltrone o a un tavolino da salotto.

Il braciere è in ottimo stato di conservazione per i suoi anni. Sono presenti lievi e inevitabili segnetti del tempo, ma nulla di grave. Il catino/piatto in rame presenta invece una piccola crepa e un piccolo foro che, volendo, sono facilmente riparabili (vedi foto). Oggetto perfetto per amanti di antichità, antiquari o collezionisti!
Ultra Rare Antique Wide Bracelet from the Mid-19th Century! Handmade in Italy

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